The language of the papers may be either Turkish or English.
Presentations must adhere to the standards of scientific integrity, originality, and novelty.
Abstracts should include a clear identification of the study, comprising a minimum of 150 words and a maximum of 300 words.
Abstracts or full-text manuscripts submitted after the specified deadline will not be evaluated.
Manuscripts should not exceed 15 pages, inclusive of the abstract, tables, and references.
The abstract should be a concise summary of the paper in both Turkish and English. The “Introduction” section should include a statement of the aim, scope, and related approaches in the existing literature, as well as a description of the method employed in the study. Similarly, the text should conclude with a section entitled “Conclusion,” in which the findings are evaluated.
Manuscripts should be written on A4-size sheets with page margins of 2.5 cm from the top and bottom, 2 cm from the right and left, 1 cm from the top, and 0.4 cm from the bottom for headers.
The main text and abstracts should be set in 11-point font, while footnotes and references should be in 10-point Times New Roman, with 1.5 spacing. The second line margins for paragraphs and bibliography should be 1.25 cm.
A minimum of three and a maximum of five keywords in English should be provided.
The title of the manuscript in the Turkish language should be capitalised. The initial letter of the English title, abstract, and keywords should be capitalised.
All tables, figures, photographs, graphics and drawings should be numbered. The initial letters of the aforementioned titles should be capitalised. Any explanatory or titular words should be set in 10-pt.
Block quotations exceeding three lines in the text should be enclosed in quotation marks and set in 10 pt., with line margins of 1.25 cm from the left and 0.5 cm from the right.
The reference list should be formatted in accordance with the American Psychological Association (APA) or Modern Language Association (MLA) style. Manuscripts that do not adhere to these standards will not be considered for publication, even if the abstracts have been accepted.
The authors are responsible for ensuring that their presentations comply with all relevant guidelines and regulations.
The oral presentation should be delivered by the corresponding author specified in the abstract.
Each participant is permitted to present a maximum of two papers.
Any scientific work not presented orally will not be included in the published proceedings of the symposium.
Each author will be allotted a total of 15 minutes for their presentation, comprising 10 minutes for the oral presentation and 5 minutes for the discussion.
The principal focus of the oral presentation should be findings, conclusions and discussion, following a concise and expeditious introduction to the aim, material and methods sections.
Presentations must be made in accordance with the programme chart for the symposium.
It is recommended that presentation files be prepared in the “ppt” or “pptx” format. The digital copy should be delivered to the responsible person of the session at least 20 minutes before the start of the session to ensure functionality.
Poster size should be 70 cm x 100 cm.
Page margins should be 2.5 cm from the left, right, top and bottom.
It is recommended that the title and the logo of the symposium be placed in the upper left corner of the poster, with the name and the logo of the presenter’s university in the upper right corner.
The title of the poster should be presented in bold, 48 pt with Arial font type. It is important to ensure that the name of the poster does not exceed two lines. The name(s) of the author(s) should be presented in bold, 36 pt with Arial font type.
The address(es) of the author(s) should be provided in 36pt Arial font.
It is recommended that text headings be written in bold, 24 pt with Arial font type.
The text should be written in 24-point Arial font.